About U-Foria

U-Foria.com is managed by iBlogyou in Australia. It is owned and operated by Tina Dubinsky, chief blogger and happiness engineer (that’s me!).

Things that make me happy

  • The sound of the ocean.
  • Looking up at the stars.
  • Camping or glamping.
  • A good book.
  • My family, including the cats.
  • Sunrise.
  • Sunset.
  • Theatre.
  • Toastmasters.
  • Singing.
  • Playing the violin.
  • A cabin with a roaring fire while it snows outside.
  • Meditating.
  • Scented candles.
Tina in her favourite mustard seed shirt.

I have worn many hats over my fifty-plus years. They include:

  • Opera Singer & Actor.
  • Private teacher.
  • Customer service.
  • Usher.
  • Front of house manager.
  • Student.
  • Top Chook chicken check-out chick.
  • Office Manager.
  • Bookkeeper.
  • State Administrator.
  • Secretariat Manager.
  • Executive Assistant.
  • Human Resource Manager.
  • Writer.
  • Editor.
  • Social Media Content Creator.
  • Newsletter project manager.
  • Researcher.
  • Daughter.
  • Wife.
  • Mother.
  • Facilitator.
  • Public Speaker.

And now, a happiness engineer.

Why a happiness engineer?

This may sound cheesy, but I believe we all deserve to live a fulfilling life. And it is so easy to turn the wrong corner with a few misplaced thoughts, words or a decision we later regret.

Getting back on the road, and heading in the right direction can be challenging. I thought I would share my experiences and journey on how to achieve that happiness that comes with a fulness of life.

First, I know what it is like to be lonely and to feel alone. However, I have also learnt how to turn that feeling around so I could enjoy my own company. The second thing you should know about me is that I have experience with rejection and I’m not just talking about relationships, but jobs, hopes, and dreams.

I want to stress though, that while this website focuses on turning the negative into positive feelings, it is also okay to feel sad, angry and frustrated. It is what we do with those feelings that matter.

As U-Foria’s chief blogger and happiness engineer, I help to inspire people to be the best versions of themselves. U-Foria is for human beings of all ages who are keen to discover, rediscover and ignite that spark for life that we all dream of living.

I am on a mission to make that dream a reality, to change my life and inspire yours.

More from U-Foria’s happiness engineer…

As a teenager, I had this altruistic goal: I wanted to grow up to make other people happy.

With age comes wisdom. Trying to make other people happy when you are not happy is like watching something slowly implode. And I’ve been there; I am a ‘yes’ person. ‘Yes, I can help you. Yes, I can do that for you. No, I don’t mind working back late, coming in early or working many overtime hours for free.’

I often say ‘yes’ when deep down, I want to shout no.

Twelve years ago, I went Boom! Or, more accurately crumpled into an inconsolable heap. Burnout is not a fun experience. Since then, I have reflected on what happened. I was trying to do too many things for other people and for myself. I made bad decisions and lost my way.

More recently, I noticed I was heading back down the same rabbit hole. While I appear to be in control of my destiny, such as running my own business, I am making the same mistakes all over again. It is difficult to admit but in twelve years, I haven’t fully healed. I have not forgiven myself for the choices I made.

However, this time, I’m determined not to reach ground zero again. Instead, each day, I focus on moving forward and making amends.

And that is why I beleive I am an excellent happiness engineer.

Funny right? But that’s what I want to be and I need to start with myself. Today and every day, I am more positive about who I am and where I am going. I have a plan in the making.

This journey that I am on isn’t about the career I want, although I feel enjoying what you do plays a big part in strengthening your sense of belonging and identity. This change is about the type of person I want to be; a kind and thoughtful human being who helps others and finds happiness in the simple things of life.

Positive life changes are a labour of love. And, I am working towards them, taking micro-steps each day to change my life. The first step is to be true to yourself. No fakery, no-frills, just the raw truth with constant reminders of why you want this life-changing journey. Why it matters.

U-Foria is part of my life-changing plan. I still desire to make others happy. It is part of who I am and even though I am tempering it and putting myself first, I hope that sharing my journey with you and the inspirations I find along the way will also inspire you.

I am not a life coach.

Nor am I a counsellor, a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I have zero medical qualifications.

But, I have been a human resource generalist, a Toastmaster, an actor, an opera singer, a tea and coffee maker, a fixer-up of things, an online writer, a storyteller, a mother, a wife and a human being desperate for change.

This blog is not offering some get rich quick scheme. I won’t ask you to sign over your hard-earned dollars, or trap you in some scary pyramid scheme or a religious cult.

What I bring to U-Foria is the determination to change. Plus, I have first-hand experience with burn-out, severe depression, anxiety and self-hatred. Full disclosure: I see a phycologist to help me sort through things, and I highly recommend any reader who needs that extra support to seek out a professional mental health expert.

If you find the things I share here helpful, I would love to hear from you.

Your positive thoughts and comments mean a great deal. If you would like to show your support, I would be grateful if you share my posts with friends, family and work colleagues or with people you barely know.

My purpose as a happiness engineer

To inspire people to make to live a better life.

My happiness Engineer plan

How will I do this?

One of the things that prompted this online resource was the overcrowding of negative posts in my social media streams.

I wanted to change this and add more positive thoughts to people’s lives by sharing inspirational:

  • Reminders – short positive messages.
  • Ideas – to encourage happiness.
  • Quotes – to promote hope.

Plus, I wanted to:

  • Review inspirational books
  • Write about inspirational topics.
  • Create inspirational podcats.

The history of U-Foria

I’ve owned the URL for U-Foria for around twenty years. It first began as a community for free thinkers. After that, it became a place to share happy thoughts, and eventually a university “Choose Your Own Adventure” assignment. Then, I thought of turning this web space into a book review blog, but eventually, I came back to the idea of sharing my journey on how to be happy and how to be my best version.

Want to show your gratitude?

U-Foria is an open book for anyone seeking inspiration. It is completely free to read. It answers questions about how to be kind to yourself, caring for others, being a mum, a wife, a child, gardening, reading and all those things that bring happiness into our lives.

Feel free to share my inspirational cards and posts with your social circles. Use them to remind yourself and inspire others to follow their dreams.

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